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Port City Church is a family of believers living up, in, and out together. That means we live as children of God, siblings of one another in God’s family, and friends to our neighbors in our great city of Norfolk. God loves our city, and we love our city. We long to be a church that looks like, smells like, and feels like our city. Port City is a family that exists to help people come to know Jesus and become who they were created to be in Him.


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Tanner Hogue


Ron Redmond


Kevin Moore

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Jon Sheets

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Will Thrasher

A Message from Our Elders

We pray that whether you are an established follower of Jesus or if you are brand new to all things Jesus and have never set foot in a church service, that Port City Church would become a family that empowers you to live the transformed life God has always intended for you to live. We all desperately need his grace individually and as a unit. God has uniquely designed each of us to contribute to His body, His family, the church. We are honored to serve in this family and look forward to seeing how God transforms us all by His grace. By now you probably know that Norfolk is a melting pot of all types of people. We want a church that looks like, smells like, and feels like our city. We know that as we become this type of church more and more it will be a unique testimony to the goodness of God in a city that, at times, keeps to its like-minded, like-status, or like-looking pockets. We are praying for you as you consider worshiping with us and joining our family-team for the glory of God and the good of Norfolk.


By God’s grace, you can do it, and we can help. We exist to help you become all that God made you to be as his child, a sibling in his family, and a friend of the neighbors where you live, work, and play.



God’s love is not just an idea, it takes on flesh. God took on flesh. So do we. In our covenant to one another and our hospitality towards one another and our neighbors, we make the invisible God visible (John 13:34).

We Make the Gospel Visible


The church should feel like a family, and the church should feel like a team. The best team’s feel like families, and the best family’s feel like teams. The church is both God’s means to the end of reaching the world, and it is also the end as the picture of what he wants for the world. At Port City we are on a mission together to bring this picture to the world.

We Support Each Other Like Family


We love Norfolk. We are all about our city. Just like every person, every city has some beauty to it and some beast to it. We labor to bring out the beauty, and plead with the beast.

We Seek to Know Our Neighbors


People not knowing Jesus bothers us. It bothers us on our streets, in our workplaces, in our community, on our teams, and around the world. Only God can create a movement of God. It all starts with believers taking ownership of where God has placed them, and prayerfully seeking his direction as to how to enter into God’s love for those around them.

We Take Responsibility for Lostness


As a Christian Church, we hold to the teachings of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and find in its pages all that is necessary for salvation in Christ by grace through faith. We have compiled our core beliefs in our Confession of Faith, to read it click below.


If you are interested in taking next steps to get involved with Port City Church, then your move is membership. Membership is a big deal for Port City Church. Membership is how we know who is a part of the local church and willfully submitting themselves to its care. Membership entails many things at Port City, but at its most basic level, membership is an affirmation of one's faith in Christ and makes plain the community to which one is committed.

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